You Are Your Name - Kabalarian Philosophy

How is vital health attained? and Laura, Wendy, Eric, and Keith analyzed

Kabalarian Philosophy - Society of Kabalarians of Canada Season 1 Episode 18

In this episode, we answer the question, "How is vital health attained?" We analyze the names of Laura, Wendy, Eric, and Keith and show how these names influence the thinking, health, and life of anyone using these names.

Learn how your names impact you by getting your own free Name and Birthdate Report at

Whenever you are ready, here are three ways we can help you:

1. Get a Balanced Name Recommendation to harmonize your names with your inner potential to improve their health, happiness, and success.

2. Learn the Principles of Mental Freedom in our online training program to create all the progressive improvements you seek in your life.

3. Let Kalex Solutions help you choose a balanced name for your business.  

Welcome to this episode of You Are Your Name.  My name is Garrett Hennigan, and I will be the host this week.  

The question we're going to start off with is,”How is vital health attained?”  

In a previous episode, we talked about how creating good health is important for the full expression and development of our inner potential. But what are the specifics? 

Well, we did touch upon the idea that right eating, right breathing, and right thinking are keys to creating good health.  

So what is right eating?  Well, the purpose of eating is to nourish the body.  Obviously, we all enjoy our different foods at dinner, at special dinners, banquets, going out with friends. But the most important thing is that we have to supply the body with the right fuel to maintain a light vibration.  It buoys up the mind, lifts our mind, rather than drags it down. So when we eat a lot of the heavy, starchy foods,  meats and so forth, that lowers the vibration of the body, affecting the mind adversely, making it more difficult to keep that happy, positive thinking pattern. 

The second part of creating good health is the concept of right breathing. In the Kabalarian Philosophy, we have a deep respect for the power of the breath and how that is the life power that comes with the first breath and stays with us all the way through our life until our last breath.  And so focused breathing using very specific exercises can vitalize the mind,  increase our focus, and ultimately create the vitality of the physical body that will again allow the body to be that vital instrument for the mind. 

The third principle of creating vital health is right thinking. And that is a broad topic that can be summarized by keeping happy thoughts which are healthy thoughts.  But how do we keep happy thoughts? Well, we must understand the Principle of mind. And so that requires the understanding of how mind is created through the name and also understanding the positive and negative aspects of mind; the negative being based on feeling and the positive based on thinking.  

And so when there is a lot of emotional thinking that is a quality of thought that depletes the body. It devitalizes it and makes it a heavy instrument and actually a non-instrument for the mind to work through.  But when our thinking is positive  and we're actually thinking and not just feeling, there is a strong energy that goes through the body, that vitalizes it, and the body becomes more in control  by the mind. And then it can be a better instrument for us to  work through.  

So those three principles, right breathing, right eating, and right thinking are the keys of the Kabalarian concept of how vital health is attained.  

Laura, Wendy, Eric, and Keith

The names we're considering are Laura, Wendy, Eric, and Keith. 

This name creates a mind that is very versatile, ambitious, and confident. They're quick-minded. They would rather be in charge than subordinate to others. They can be shrewd and analytical and are able to make good judgments and quick decisions. 

They can develop excellent negotiation skills.  They can make good salespeople as they have a promotional nature and good expression. 

They desire material success and appreciate quality. They like to have the best of everything. They have energy and enthusiasm for anything that holds their interest. 

In spite of the good qualities, the mind is very competitive and ambitious. It tends to create a lack of femininity in the female. Health challenges of the name show an intense and driving nature that it does not easily relax.

This can cause tension in the stomach and solar plexus which can result in ulcers. As well as generative disorders in both the male and female. There is a tendency to be too focused on material accomplishment to the detriment of a balanced, relaxed, harmonious outlook on life. 

They can be outspoken, have a sharp tongue, and be judgmental of others. Happiness is elusive because it does not always accompany material comfort and success. 

If you changed your name to a balanced name, you would be able to accomplish much with a greater degree of relaxation, happiness and improve personal relationships.


It should be noted that everyone who has one of these names will be unique and slightly different depending on their last name and what their date of birth is. We offer free name and birth date reports from our website that will allow you to test this principle on yourself, your friends and family.

We encourage you to visit or, much easier to remember, and it will forward you to the name site.


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