You Are Your Name - Kabalarian Philosophy

Why should mental freedom important to me? plus David and Dave name analysis

Kabalarian Philosophy - Society of Kabalarians of Canada Season 1 Episode 20

This episode will answer, "Why should mental freedom important to me?" In addition, we will analyze the names of David and Dave and show how these names influence the thinking, health, and life of anyone using those names.

Learn how your names impact you by getting your own free Name and Birthdate Report at

Whenever you are ready, here are three ways we can help you:

1. Get a Balanced Name Recommendation to harmonize your names with your inner potential to improve their health, happiness, and success.

2. Learn the Principles of Mental Freedom in our online training program to create all the progressive improvements you seek in your life.

3. Let Kalex Solutions help you choose a balanced name for your business.  

Welcome to this episode of You Are Your Name.  My name is Evan Farrell. I'll be your host for this episode.  The information we are sharing with you is based on the teachings of the Kabalarian Philosophy.  

The question for discussion today is, “Why should mental freedom be important to me?” 

Life is the process of creating the greatest possible conscious awareness in order to have the highest quality life experience possible. The quality of life experience, or our reality, is completely dependent upon our level of conscious awareness.  

We have been studying names and awakening our minds to the existence of a Principle of mathematics and its relationship with language that creates intelligence, and how this Principle can be integrated within our life to create a more constructive, progressive, and high-quality life experience. 

Our mind is such an integral part of our existence. Mind governs our thought, creates every experience, and all progressive development, and even the protection and safety of our very being. So we must consider how efficient our mind is in the discharge of this responsibility.  The mind is amazing. It has great strength, resilience, creative ability, and power. 

But it is very sensitive to suggestion.  Where the mind lacks strength, it can also be a threat to our ideals and our very existence.  Where the mind is immersed in emotion, it responds by default in an emotional way. It is weak and not able to see things clearly, to make rational decisions, and to assert its individuality. 

In this state it becomes a pawn to mass-mindedness, behaving like a leaf within a wind storm, having no direction or purpose.  It becomes confused and lost within the realm of self, being a prisoner within the confines of self without the strength to find its way out to the light of wisdom, the light of creativity, and conscious awareness.

We live in a world of thought that is fraught with invading qualities of mind, with thoughts that want to exploit our energies and power for destructive purposes, such as media and propaganda, mostly to serve the interests of power and profit. Therefore, it is important for the future existence of harmonious and progressive expression of intelligence to develop a process of mental individuality. 

This is achieved when the mind has been balanced and has been educated with the Principle of life  and has become one with the Principle.  The understanding of the Principle and consistent application will strengthen the mind, making it more capable of managing life's challenges and creating a future which includes accomplishment and attainment. 

Mental freedom is achieved when the mind has gained sufficient strength of individuality that it is no longer influenced by mental forces which come from without its being.  To find peace and attainment, it is necessary to be able to progress mentally and spiritually.  Mental freedom is the only way that one can manage the emotions and create a progressive quality of mind to achieve one's true purpose. 

In this episode, we are going to give you a brief summary of the name of David or Dave.  Our presenter, Ross Tanner, is a Kabalarian student of long standing and is a senior instructor in our Life Training programs.  

 David and Dave

The name we're going to consider today is David. This name creates a mind that is very independent, very strong willed, very individual.

They are hard workers, they're very mechanical, systematic, headstrong, and can be very stubborn.  one track minded, but they can be very loyal and consistent. It's a very skeptical quality when they want to see the proof of anything.  They do not change easily, but prefer to follow established routines in their efforts.

As children, they are hard to discipline as they are too independent and tend to learn by experience. They can be told to not do something, and they have to go out and do it to find out for themselves.  They're practical and not overly communicative. They lack sensitivity. They're not too aware of the thoughts and feelings of others.

Health weaknesses of this quality are in the head and the extremities. The eyes, ears, hands, and feet. As well as intestinal problems, ulcers, growths, constipation, hemorrhoids. Due to fondness for heavy foods, they tend to prefer a heavier diet, meat and potatoes, starchy foods that lead to digestive difficulties. 

Often Dave is used as a nickname for David, and this creates a very different quality.  When used as a nickname,  it creates a mind that is very creative, very quick mentally. They have great vision and imagination. They're ambitious and can be quite pushing. They make good head salespeople and good managers. They're confident and versatile, original and independent. They like change and travel and meeting and mixing when there's a purpose to it. 

Health weaknesses of this quality are tension in the solar plexus region. Affecting the stomach and digestion.  They can be too sarcastic in their communication and lack patience As they have such drive. They can be impetuous and scatter their efforts. As you can see, it's a very different quality from the plodding, steadfastness of David.  

If David was to balance his name, It would eliminate a lot of the challenges that come with that particular quality, be more broad minded, not so restrictive in his thinking, have better relationships with people, be more communicative, generally happier, and more successful.  


That was an analysis of David and Dave. However, the family name will moderate and sometimes magnify the first name influence, so it needs to be considered at the same time.  The date of birth also plays an important part as it is a person's potential.  
We encourage you to visit www.kabalarians. com to get a free name report on your own names.  That is K A B A L A R I A N S. com

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