You Are Your Name - Kabalarian Philosophy

Names affect health weaknesses? Betty, Bess, Louise, Tess, and Vivien analysis

Hosts: Daken Ariel and Garett Hennigan Season 1 Episode 8

In this episode we answer the question: Why do our names create health weaknesses?  We analyze the names of Betty, Bess, Louise, Tess, and Vivien.

Learn how your names impact you by getting your own free Name and Birthdate Report at

Whenever you are ready, here are three ways we can help you:

1. Get a Balanced Name Recommendation to harmonize your names with your inner potential to improve their health, happiness, and success.

2. Learn the Principles of Mental Freedom in our online training program to create all the progressive improvements you seek in your life.

3. Let Kalex Solutions help you choose a balanced name for your business.  

Welcome to this episode of You Are Your Name. My name is Evan Farrell, I will be your Host for this episode. The information we are sharing with you is based on the Teachings of the Kabalarian Philosophy.

The question for discussion today is: How do names affect our health and create health weaknesses?

We have been studying names and awakening our minds to the existence of a principle of mathematics and its relationship with language that creates intelligence. Names are part of language, Names create our mind and thinking. Mathematics and language are linked. Language is measurable due to its order in the alphabet. All names, convey intelligence relative to their intelligent vibration.

When we use names, we awaken a latent power behind them, which manifests in all things that we do and think. Our physical body is influenced by this intelligent power of our names. This influence can be harmonious or possibly discordant depending upon the quality of that name. We refer to this as either a balanced or unbalanced name. Much the same as a chord of music if balanced is harmonious or if unbalanced; it is discordant. Therefore, it is important to discern if our names create health or not.

Every name has distinct positive, or constructive expression if it is balanced. If it is not balanced it will display a quality that is destructive, thus creating tension within our being, which will show in destructive desires, habits or thought patterns that will affect our health.

Names that are unbalanced usually have a predominance of a particular quality that creates this imbalance, stimulating the emotions, creating destructive desires. Names that are balanced have a combination of qualities that create harmony and balance creating a balanced name that creates a more rational mental environment. This separates one from destructive habits and attitudes that can affect the body with serious health challenges.

A change of name, and our awareness of the Principles can mitigate the effect of the health challenges that will ultimately manifest without a balanced name.

With names such as Peter, Ralph, Pat, Nettie or Kay; the health will be affected in the skeleton, the extremities and head tension. The names can create possible hair loss, poor hearing, or malformed teeth. If there is an injury the body will be affected in the extremities, hands, feet and accidents to the head.

Names such as Foster, Heather, Diana, or Adrian will bring tension that affect the fluid system of the body. This results in problems with the kidneys or bladder. Lack of vitality and lack of exercise can result in swelling of the legs and ankles. The passive nature creates an indifference to healthful eating habits.

Names such as Justin, Alexander, Ruby, Charlotte crave quick energy foods like sugar, starches and acid fruits. This creates a hot acid bloodstream that will affect the skin through acne or eczema, and liver conditions. With this quality, weight gain can be an issue. This mental quality can also affect weak wrists and ankles.

Names such as Paul, Arthur, Susan or Maud have desires for large quantities of heavy foods like meat, potatoes and bread; and when combined with a their deliberate quality, creates digestive issues and challenges with elimination. These intestinal issues could lead to arthritis and rheumatism.

Names like Terry, Cecil, Winifred, or Emily have a highly intense and impulsive nature affecting the solar plexus causing nausea, ulcers, nervous indigestion upset stomach, vomiting. These mental qualities can also suffer with depression, hysteria and thoughts of self destruction.

Names like Harvey, Daniel, Alfred, Eva, Claire are generally more even in their temperament and emotional motivations, affecting the body with more balanced conditions. But there is a tendency to worry, depleting the body and leading to mental breakdown in extreme cases.

Names like Anthony, Ronald, Margaret, Sharon, Carol and Donald are affected in the areas of the heart, lungs and bronchial organs.

Names such as Rupert, Justine, Madonna and Ramona are affected in the areas of the reproductive organs within the body; the female in childbirth and the natural processes of their reproductive organs; the male with prostate issues. These names attract desires of a big appetite, desiring lots of rich foods, misplaced material values that are vey demanding on the body.

Names such as Duane, Philip, Audrey, Rick are affected in the nervous system, which can affect the body with fits, palsy, hysteria, epilepsy and a myriad of nervous disorders. Because of a very emotionally intense quality of mind, this resulting in temper, jealousy and possessiveness and resultant tension in the nervous system.

No one deliberately sets out to create pain and suffering in health, but when the mind is not aware that is the result. All health weaknesses will be exhibited within the body, but they are all a result of tensions within the mind. Awakening the mind to these possible issues allows one to take remedial action to improve health and avoid serious health weaknesses.

Health is affected when the mind is blind to the effect of tension within the body. With prolonged exposure to the tension, the body will eventually break down. By utilizing this principle, we can change the quality of mind through changing to a balanced name; and changing habits and attitudes that will bring vibrant health and balance in the mind.

Name Analyses of Betty, Bess, Louise, Tess, and Vivien

In this episode, we are going to give you a brief summary of the name of Betty. This summary can be applied to other names such as Bess, Louise, Tess, and Vivian, Bert, Ed, Lyle, and Reid - a famous name is Fidel.

Our presenter, Marlowe Shearing is a Kabalarian Student of long standing, she is a member of the administration team for the Kabalarian Philosophy and is a Senior Instructor in our Life Training Programs.

Marlowe Shearing

Betty, you are a radical thinker and an activist. As you look at life, you see inequality and you have an urge to help humanity, and especially those less fortunate. You want to do something worthwhile, something that will create change, and give to those with less fortunate circumstances. You have high ideals and creative, versatile abilities.

This desire to create change creates intense feelings. Therefore, swings in temperament can spoil success. As there would be times when your impatience could win out, and then you become very candid in your expression. or quick tempered.

Betty, you have a sense of the dramatic, whether that is seeing the overwhelming need for change or having that sense of dramatizing something to create the change or awareness in others. You may express that sense of dramatic through music, dance, or other forms of artistic expression.

You also enjoy the out-of-doors, and it gives you release for those pent up energies. You would be interested in charity work or find opportunities to assist those less fortunate. assist a cause. Betty, you can be very giving and generous when inspired.

You have the ability to lift others with generosity or awareness of people through your perceptive quality of mind. You have high ideals. honesty and integrity and you expect the same from your friends; punctuality, fairness, etc. At times you're a naive and you pay the price. You expect too much from people and they let you down.

Betty, because of your nature and the fact that you see the unfairness of life along with your restless seeking nature, You have a lot of pent up feeling. This intensity can be the cause of insomnia, restlessness, or fluctuations of temperament, where you can swing from the highs to the lows. You also have nervous indigestion, and again, due to your intensity, that tension will plexus, stomach, throat, and nervous system. Such high ideals, but the intensity is so difficult to live with.

That was an analysis of Betty, however the family name will moderate or sometimes magnify the first name influence so it needs to be considered at the same time. The date of birth also plays an important part as it is a person’s potential.

We encourage you to visit to get a free name report on your own names. That is www.K A B A L A R I A N S.COM

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