You Are Your Name - Kabalarian Philosophy
Explore the impact that your names have on your thinking, health, and life! We discuss a different aspect of name each episode. In addtion, we review the impact specific names have if used consistently.
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You Are Your Name - Kabalarian Philosophy
Three Lessons from the Past. Ernest and Ern name analysis
In this episode, we will discuss the lessons we can learn from Helen Keller, Emperor Frederick II, and Confucius. We will analyze the names of Ernest and Ern.
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1. Get a Balanced Name Recommendation to harmonize your names with your inner potential to improve their health, happiness, and success.
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Welcome to the You are Your Name podcast. My name is Daken Ariel, your host for this episode. Today, we will share some lessons from three people the past; an American author and disability rights advocate, Helen Keller, an Emperor, Fredrick II, and the most famous Chinese philosopher, Confucius. Let’s start with Confucius.
What can we learn from Confucius?
Confucius was a Chinese philosopher living about 2600 years ago. It is said that his teachings have influenced East Asian culture and society even today.
When asked what he would do if he was the Emperor, he said that he would change the name of all the cities. To a Kabalarian student, this is not a strange suggestion. China would garner long-term benefits if the city names were mathematically balanced.
China has a long tradition of understanding that names have a significant influence on whatever they are attached to. Whatever we attach a name to, whether it be a baby, a pet, or a city, the mathematical qualities of the name will express if there is a relative outlet. The name of the city you live in creates a background influence on all its inhabitants.
This is readily observable to a student of the Kabalarian Philosophy. Here are three examples: the city of Ottawa, Ontario is the capital of Canada. The mathematical qualities of that name create an urge to administer and direct the resources, people, and wealth of the nation. Montreal has a name that is cosmopolitan, ambitious, and focused on business. The city of Edmonton, Alberta, a major center for the oil industry, has a name that creates a desire to initiate financial activities in a pioneering and individualistic way. This is just another example of the significance of names.
What can we learn from Emperor Fredrick II?
Born in 1194, Fredrick II ruled a number of countries in Europe – from Sicily to Germany. During his turbulent reign, he conducted an experiment on new-born infants that were taken away from their mothers at birth and raised in silence. He wanted to know what language the infants would speak spontaneously once their voices matured. The foster-mothers and nurses could feed and bathe the children but were forbidden to speak with them.
What actually happened was the children began to die. They concluded that children could not live without interacting with others and it was dubbed the forbidden experiment.
The real lesson why the children died is far more significant. We know the babies were raised without any stimulation from language. We assume that the babies were not named as well. Because our mind is created by our names, without a name, the child’s mind has no vehicle to develop mentally through. Of course, the baby requires the stimulation of language to grow and develop. Without this fundamental mental energy, the infants began to die. Language and name are both required to develop normally.
What can we learn from Helen Keller?
Born in 1880, Helen Keller lost her sight and her hearing after an illness when she was 19 months old. She lived, as she recalled in her autobiography, "at sea in a dense fog". At the age of seven, she was re-connected to language by the efforts of Anne Sullivan, the teacher her parents hired. After a month of tapping on her palm to identify words, Keller realized that the motions her teacher was making on her hand, while running cool water over her other hand, symbolized the idea of "water". Keller recalled the moment in her autobiography:
“I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers. Suddenly I felt a misty consciousness as of something forgotten—a thrill of returning thought; and somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that w-a-t-e-r meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand. The living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, set it free!"
The lesson to consider is that without language, we cannot think or interpret our feelings. To be human, means to use language to develop our potential.
For this episode, we are going to give you a brief summary of the name of Ernest and Ern. Our presenter, Juhli Farrell, is a Kabalarian student of long-standing. She helped to develop our online courses and has been a senior instructor for many years.
Juhli – analysis of Ernest and Ern
An individual with the legal name of Ernest and nickname Ern would find that their thinking creates an intense, self-directed quality of mind where they recognize that they meet life's challenges head on. They look at the challenge, they handle it, and they're ready for the next one to come. That intensity of thinking is always moving forward, and sometimes they find it difficult to just hang on to the reins of that nature rushing forward to the next event.
With the name of Ernest, a very independent thinker, original and individual in their thoughts, scrupulously honest, and can have a love of music and art. They can also tend to specialize, but they always want their independence. They always want to think that they can go out and start things with the creative ideas that have come from their own thoughts.
With the nickname of Ern, they also require independence, but also a freedom from any advice or interference; no fences, no blockages to the freedom to do what they see is the right thing to do. They seek new challenges. They seek new answers. Innovation, new ways to do things, and they can be impulsive. They like a life free from any monotony or any responsibility because they see responsibility as a quality that ties them down. They can be restless and challenging in most discussions or situations because they see life quite uniquely. In their perspective, they could also have a challenge with moods, creating a happy nature of calm.
In their communication, using the name of Ernest, because they bring such an intense feeling to things, the communication sometimes can be almost explosive or more effusive than they meant it to be. They have the thoughts in their mind and when they express them, sometimes they bring more drama than they mean to for what they're trying to say. So there can be that intensity in their expression that, try as they might, to relax. They always feel that sometimes people are almost stepping back from what they have to say should they really feel about an issue. They can have a love or hate response in their expression. Oh, I love that. Oh, I really dislike that.
With the nickname of Ern, they can be really outspoken. They speak the truth from their perspective, sometimes, again, with an intensity. They want to make their own decisions. Yet they can't always find the words to express what they feel, so they're often misunderstood because of that innovative way of thinking, that looking at truths from a slightly more satirical or clear perspective away from the norm.
And so they can recognize early in life that they're not always well understood because they combine that with the directness of speech. They find finesse or diplomacy difficult, almost like it is a waste of time because they have a truth that they want to get out. In their health, Erns can have weaknesses in the head, eyes, ears, teeth, sinus, and headaches. They can also suffer from nervous disorders, and again, being propelled through life.
With the nickname of Ern, the weakness expresses in the solar plexus, which creates issues in the digestive system or kindred organs, again, can suffer from nervous disorders through that intensity that they find so difficult.
So a name that was balanced would allow that innovative, self-starting, beautiful quality of individuality to find the relaxation, the calm and fluidity in expression, and that understanding with others in bringing the truth and the recognition of the truth of the pioneering leadership quality that is so needed in life.
Although every Ernest is unique and different, they will reflect the mathematical pattern of the name they are using. Their surnames can alter or magnify the first name influence depending upon its name formula. In addition, their date of birth plays an important factor in their overall nature.
We offer free Name and Birthdate Reports from our website that will allow you to test this Principle on yourself. We encourage you to visit or somewhat easier to remember And it will forward you to the same site.
Next episode, we will discuss the names of Florence, Lorna, Lyn, Howard, and Malcolm.