You Are Your Name - Kabalarian Philosophy
Explore the impact that your names have on your thinking, health, and life! We discuss a different aspect of name each episode. In addtion, we review the impact specific names have if used consistently.
You can learn how your names impact your thinking, your health, and your life by getting a free Name and Birth date Report at
You Are Your Name - Kabalarian Philosophy
What are the 5 Basic Truths? Doreen, Carolyn, Mona, Victoria, and Anthony analysis
In this episode, we answer the question, "What are the 5 Basic Truths and why are they important?" We analyze the names of Doreen, Carolyn, Mona, Victoria, and Anthony.
Learn how your names impact you by getting your own free Name and Birthdate Report at
Whenever you are ready, here are three ways we can help you:
1. Get a Balanced Name Recommendation to harmonize your names with your inner potential to improve their health, happiness, and success.
2. Learn the Principles of Mental Freedom in our online training program to create all the progressive improvements you seek in your life.
3. Let Kalex Solutions help you choose a balanced name for your business.
Welcome to You Are Your Name Podcast. This podcast draws from the teachings of the Kabalarian Philosophy. We are discussing the Mathematical Principle that relates name and mind.
To understand the theory of why this principle works, we will introduce the Five Basic Truths. These five truths are Mathematics, Language, Name, Mind, and Consciousness. These truths are inter-related and inter-dependent. Understanding this relationship will give you insights into the why name creates mind.
The first truth is Mathematics. Everything that exists within the cosmos is mathematical. To exist, it is part of the dimensional finite plane and thus measurable. Mathematics measures quantity in the physical plane. But mind is not physical. It is only measurable as qualities of intelligence. In this application of mathematics, we use the numbers as the measurements of quality, not quantity.
Each number is associated to a set of intelligent qualities of consciousness. When we use a name, the inherent name formula causes us to express the qualities associated to those numbers. Each episode we will demonstrate the mental qualities created by a specific name. This analysis describes the mathematical qualities contained within the name formula of that name.
The second truth is Language. All thought requires language. We cannot think a thought without words. Even our feelings and senses need language to understand and interpret them. Without some form of language, verbal or otherwise, we would be sub-normal. Without language, there is no conscious awareness.
The third basic truth is Name. Every person has a name, and most often two or more. We compose names by combining the letters of the specific alphabet of the language we are using. These letters have a definite position in the alphabet. It is this position that associates that letter to a specific number. Thus we can convert any name into a mathematical formula. It is this name formula that is the tuning mechanism for our thinking pattern.
The fourth basic truth is Mind. Our mind is a composite of mathematical qualities described in the name formula of all the names we have used. Our individual mind is what makes us who we are. It is the key to understanding our thinking, our health weaknesses, and the experiences that we will attract using that name.
Our mind processes the thoughts, experiences, knowledge, and wisdom that we have acquired through daily living. This is our mental growth. But the basic mental makeup is determined by the names we use consistently. We grow in intellectual concept as we learn more about life. When we learn about this Mathematical Principle of name, we can apply it to create greater balance and harmony in our lives. It is this evolution towards a more complete understanding of mind that leads to the fifth truth.
The fifth truth is Consciousness. We can think of our mind as the specific vibration of mental energy on the complete spectrum of Consciousness. This spectrum encompasses the full range of mental expression - from the lowest to the highest. As we evolve our understanding of mind, we can lift our mental expression higher within this spectrum. We can develop greater control and mastery of our mind, learning to express all the constructive qualities of mind consistently. We call this process the attainment of mental freedom. To be happy, harmonious, and balanced is an attainment of mental growth towards true mental freedom. This freedom is possible as we apply the Five Basic Truths to create our mental growth and conscious attainment.
Name Analysis of Doreen, Carolyn, Mona, Victoria, and Anthony
For this episode, our name analysis is presented by Garett Hennigan. Garett is an instructor and presenter who is active in supporting those taking the online courses. He is also the IT manager at the head office. He will discuss the influence of the names of Doreen, Carolyn, Mona, Victoria, and Anthony. All of these names have the same mathematical name formula, so the summary is valid for all of them.
The name of Doreen creates a very sensitive and introspective person. It creates a lot of sensitivity where the person wants to be on their own; perhaps out in nature. They are drawn to the peace out in the world. When they're involved with a lot of people, they have a challenge in handling their sensitivity.
And so what happens is that they have many misunderstandings with people because they don't share their thoughts. And if they do share them, it sometimes comes out the wrong way. And so they realize, well, just to avoid that issue, “I'll just stay on my own.” So they have a love of literature, the sciences, mathematics,… those type of theoretical studies.
At certain times when they're in dealing with people, they don't want to show their more personal side. So they can kind of talk around things to sort of create like a shield so that people don't get to their innermost feelings and thoughts. They do have a secretive nature where they only share their special thoughts with their special friends. Usually it happens when they're younger, this trait takes place because they have, maybe, they wrote a poem. And so when they go and they share their poem with a friend and the friend laughs at their poem, well, from that moment on, they don't want to be ostracized or made fun of. So they'll keep their poem that they've written just to themselves. Only when they're really, really sure that that, that whoever they're dealing with is a true friend, they will share those special thoughts with.
As well, they are sensitive to what people say to them. They will take a slight with even the smallest little remark that somebody makes with no mean intention, but they will take it to themselves and go into a little bit of a mood. They'll take something the wrong way, totally the wrong way and they'll go into a mood. So they have a challenge in dealing with the rigors of life and interacting with people because of this fragile nature that can create misunderstandings.
As well, if they're in a relationship, let's say her husband or partner forgets an important date, you know, birth date, anniversary, the first time they went out for dinner, something like that, they can become quite hurt by that. When you think of a turtle pulling in their arms in their head, this particular quality can do a similar type of thing where they will, if you ask them, well, well, what's wrong? “Nothing.” And you know something's wrong just from the way they are acting. It takes them a long time before they'll sort of warm up. It might take flowers. It may take special notes before they come out of themselves.
So that is a challenge that they face going into, into life. So they are drawn away from people as well. It could be in a party and one of the things that will happen to them is they will want to be appreciated and partake. But they're right in the middle of party, they can feel totally alone. And it can be very challenging for them and bring them a certain level of unhappiness because they're not able to merge with people and have convivial relationships.
Another challenge that this name faces is that it has various health weaknesses relative to the heart, bronchial organs, and, it causes many issues as they get older and older in life because of using that name.
So the biggest restriction with this name is it spoils their natural potential ability to express, to talk to people, to merge with people, and draws them away from life and creates a sensitivity that spoils their long-term happiness.
That was a brief analysis of the first names of Doreen, Carolyn, Mona, Victoria, and Anthony. The surname used with these names can add to or detract from these characteristics.
What about your names? How are they impacting your life? The Kabalarian Philosophy offers free Name Reports from their website. The Name Report will give you an overview of how your given and most-used names are influencing you. Go to or and get your free Name Report.